that was a quick one!

I must admit that was a quick one. we went to NY and played the gig, and then we returned. blown over the ocean back onto icelandic turf.
found one picture of us on stage. having our photo taken when our photo was taken. that is the power of ghostoptics :) I believe that we might get some live phootage soon.
the album Ghostigital is now scheduled for early November release, with a double 10″ vinyl preceding the release. after icelandairwaves we got scheduled ‘late at the tate’ in London, but that will only be late November.

þetta var snögg ferð. til NY og til baka. blásið til baka til landsins.
fann eina mynd af okkur á sviði við að taka mynd af okkur taka mynd.
jamms. á von á myndefni fljótlega frátónleikunum.
Ghostigital verður útgefin í byrjun nóvember, en það kemur fyrst
tvöföld 10″ vinýl útgáfa fyrst út. Late at the tate verður síðan í
þriðju viku nóvember í London.

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