practicing but it is done!

yes the concert at joe’s pub is over, so why am I practicing blowing
trumpet? because I have not got more pictures at the moment.
don’t even know if anyone saw the concert online on!?
it was a good concert with some kind of out of body experience at
times. did well in the plush surrounding of the venue.
soon to be seen.

tónleikarnir eru búnir á joe’s pub hér í london, en samt æfi ég
trompet. hef bara ekki fleiri myndir þessa stundina. meira kemur.
veit ekki hvort nokkur sá á vefsendinguna?
nálguðumst konsert á stundum með ótrúlegri nálgun. flott dæmi.
icelandairwaves verður þrusa í næsta mánuði.

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