Division of Culture & Tourism as a unique piece of Art



Every record is a piece of art

And Ghostigital decided to take this idea further by commissioning artist Mundi Vondi to create a unique piece of art for each and every record. Ghostigital are releasing Division of Culture & Tourism as a very limited and numbered art edition and vinyl LP. Mundi Vondi has created 300 individual art works, which are lazercut by The Makery.

This way no record will be the same. Just unique, just like Ghostigital’s music.

The record will be published on vinyl day Saturday 22. december 2012 and to celebrate a concert at KEXhostel ag 15.30

The record will be available in recordstores in Reykjavik and online on ghostigital.spinshop.com

Hver plata er listaverk!

En Ghostigital ákvað að taka þá hugmynd lengra og hefur fengið Munda Vonda til að skapa listarverk fyrir hverja einstöku plötu. Ghostigital gefur út Division of Culture & Tourism sem vínylplötu og fjölfeldisverk í mjög takmörkuðu og númeruðu upplagi.

Mundi Vondi hefur skapað 300 mismunandi listaverk, sem eru lazerskorinn af The Makery. Þannig að engin plata verður eins. Bara einstök, alveg einsog tónlist Ghostigital.

Platan verður gefin út á vinyldegi laugardaginn 22. desember 2012 og verða tónleikar á KEXhostel klukkan 15.30

Hún fæst síðan í plötuverslunum og verslun Ghostigital á ghostigital.spinshop.com

About the Makery
The Makery er hönnunarstúdíó í eigu belgíska vöruhönnuðarins Nicolas Kunysz. The Makery er staðsett í Reykjavík og einbeitir sér að allskyns ráðgjöf og lausnum varðandi útlits- og sérkennishönnun, vöruþróun, sérhannaðra umbúða, hagnýtingu og vinnuferli sérhönnunar fyrir listamenn, hönnunarhús og fyrirtæki.

 The Makery is a design consultancy studio based in Reykjavik, Iceland Founded by Nicolas Kunysz, belgian product /industrial designer, living and working in Reykjavik. The Makery offers consultancy concerning: design, production, packaging, graphic identity, promotional material, product development, ergonomic studies and cognitive ergonomic studies. The Makery allow companies/brands/private clients willing to release a product the opportunity to have a professional overview of their project, and this, at any step of the product development: design development, prototyping, production management
